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Orange Cyberdefense

Alternance - Consultant Cybersécurité F/H (H/F)


Cesson, France

Full Time


Job Specifications

DescriptionVos missions : Nous recrutons un(e) alternant(e) rattaché(e) à l'équipe Conseil & Audit de Rennes. Vous serez accompagné(e) par un consultant expert et participerez aux activités inhérentes au conseil et à l'audit en entreprise : - Analyses de risques notamment en suivant la méthodologie EBIOS RM. - Rédaction de documents (Politique de Sécurité des SI, Plan d'assurance Sécurité, Procédure de sécurité). - Audit et contrôle de conformité en cybersécurité notamment au travers des référentiels normatifs et de bonnes pratiques (guide hygiène informatique, ISO 27001, NIS2...). - Action de sensibilisation. - Droit de la cybersécurité et conformité réglementaire (RGPD...). - Cyber-résilience et gestion de crise. - Conseil technologique en lien avec la sécurité de l'intelligence artificielle. Vos atouts et compétences clés pour le poste : Vous êtes titulaire d'un BAC+3/4 en informatique et/ou réseau et préparez un BAC+5 en alternance. Vous souhaitez vous spécialiser dans les métiers du conseil et de l'audit de la cybersécurité. Curieux(se) et ouvert(e), vous disposez d'une bonne capacité de communication à l'écrit (rédaction de rapports et notes) et à l'oral (réunions, entretiens, restitutions). Une aisance en anglais est un plus. Vous êtes avant tout passionné(e) par le domaine de la cyberdéfense et de la sécurité informatique. Contrat : Alternance de 1 ou 2 ans. Pourquoi nous rejoindre ? Nos collaborateurs sont notre richesse ; nous ne pouvons protéger nos clients sans eux ! Chez Orange Cyberdefense, vous rejoindrez une communauté d'experts passionnés avec lesquels vous réaliserez des missions qui font sens. Nos + : - Notre état d'esprit : Organisation d'afterworks, team building, tournoi de babyfoot & co, implication des salariés dans les projets de l'entreprise ; - Votre carrière : Formations, certifications, assessments, Academy, mobilité interne, missions au sein de nos sites à l'international ; - Notre engagement : partenaire clé en période de crise (protection des services de santé pendant la crise COVID-19, sécurisation des collectes pour Notre-Dame de Paris, etc.), acteur dans la politique RSE du Groupe Orange (égalité des chances, défense de la diversité...) ; - Votre équilibre de vie : télétravail, soutien aux activités sportives et culturelles, organisations de challenges sportifs etc. ; - Nos autres avantages : Participation (Groupe Orange), intéressement, épargne salariale, compte épargne temps, chèques cadeaux etc. Challenge, bienveillance et expertise seront au cour de votre quotidien. Rejoignez-nous !



Débutant accepté

Source: France Travail (

About the Company

Orange Cyberdefense is the expert cybersecurity business unit of the Orange Group. As the leading security provider, we strive to build a safer digital society. Know more

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Job Description
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Rennes, France
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Job Title
Manager Cybersécurité - CDI (H/F)
Job Description
Description : Dans le cadre de l’extension de l’activité Conseil & Ingénierie (CI), nous recherchons un(e) Consultant(e) Manager qui aura pour responsabilité le développement de l’activité, l’encadrement d'une équipe ainsi que la réalisation de missions clés auprès de clients grands comptes. Plus concrètement, vos responsabilités tourneront autour de trois sujets : Lead / chefferie de projets sur des missions au forfait sur des sujets conseil (GRC, gouvernance SOC, études ...) ou ingénierie (déploiement de solutions de sécurité), incluant la partie transfert de compétences au client et garantie de la qualité des déploiements / livrables Encadrement hiérarchique et opérationnel d’une équipe d’ingénieurs (10 personnes au maximum) avec un volet accompagnement, un volet formation et un volet recrutement Participation active au développement commercial de la BU : participation aux phases d'avant-vente (en tant que relais commercial), interlocuteur privilégié du client pendant le projet (en tant que chef de projet), participation à la rédaction des devis et présentations / soutenances en clientèle Comment savoir si je peux vous rejoindre ? Diplômé(e) d’un Master ou d’un diplôme d’ingénieur avec une spécialisation en sécurité informatique Vous justifiez au minimum de 6 ans d’expérience dans le domaine de l’ingénierie ou du conseil en cybersécurité Vous avez déjà travaillé dans l'univers de la prestation de service Vous justifiez d'une première expérience dans la gestion opérationnelle et administrative d’une équipe d’ingénieurs ou de consultants Doté(e) d’un certain leadership, vous justifiez d'une expérience dans l’avant-vente et vous sentez à l'aise en tant que relais commercial Avec de bonnes connaissances générales en TI (réseaux, systèmes Linux & Windows, chiffrement & programmation), vous maîtrisez au moins un domaine de la sécurité du SI Soft skills : curiosité, autonomie et rigueur sont des qualités essentielles, tout autant que les compétences de communication (à l'écrit comme à l'oral) Anglais lu, écrit et parlé obligatoire. Ce poste est ouvert aux candidats en situation de handicap. Nous nous engageons à garantir un processus de recrutement équitable et à fournir les aménagements nécessaires pour favoriser leur intégration au sein de nos équipes. Pourquoi nous rejoindre ? Chez I-TRACING nous sommes avant tout des passionnés de cybersécurité, mais pas uniquement ! Choisir I-TRACING, c’est rejoindre une société : Qui fait du bien-être et de l’équilibre de vie de ses salariés une priorité, reconnue par le label Happy At Work Qui met en œuvre un accompagnement de proximité de chaque collaborateur par un manager technique, responsable d’une équipe à taille humaine. Celui-ci garantit le suivi de votre activité et le développement de votre carrière (plan de formation personnalisé, passage de certifications, évolution de carrière, mobilité interne). Qui vous ouvre des opportunités en France (Nantes, Lyon, Annecy et Région Parisienne) et à l’international (Montréal, Hong Kong, Londres, Kuala Lumpur et Shangaï) Dont l’expertise technique, l’engagement et le sens du service client sont reconnus sur le marché Aux valeurs fortes de cohésion, de curiosité, d’esprit d’initiative, de solidarité et de bienveillance Qui permet le financement de projets collaboratifs (Teamstarter) pour animer le quotidien au travail et maintenir une ambiance chaleureuse L’ensemble des collaborateurs impliqués dans nos processus de recrutement ont signé et approuvé notre charte du recrutement éthique. Nous valorisons la diversité et pensons qu'elle fait partie intégrante de notre réussite collective. Nous sommes déterminés à promouvoir un environnement inclusif où chaque individu est respecté et valorisé. Nous encourageons les candidatures issues de différents horizons et nous nous engageons à éliminer toute forme de discrimination dans notre processus de recrutement et à garantir l’égalité des chances. Qui sommes-nous ? Créée en 2005, I-TRACING est aujourd’hui le premier pure-player indépendant généraliste en cyber sécurité sur le marché français, avec ses 700 collaborateurs et ses 145M€ de CA en 2024. I-Tracing, c'est : Un modèle intégré de bout en bout Un accompagnement global & engageant depuis la GRC, l’audit, le conseil technique et l’ingénierie jusqu’au services managés et les activités de cyber défense (CyberSoc), sur l’ensemble des domaines technologiques de la cybersécurité Des clients grands comptes en France et à l’international Un acteur majeur de son écosystème, membre fondateur du CESIN, partenaire privilégié de l’ANSSI, membre fondateur du Campus Cyber et présent aux rendez-vous incontournables de la cyber (LeHack, Le FIC, Les Assises, …). Pour plus d’informations :
Paris, France
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Security Presales Engineer
Job Description
Are you insatiably curious and do you lean into uncertainty, take risks, and learn quickly from Are you passionate about cybersecurity? Do you enjoy working on a high-performing, fast-paced sales team? Are you insatiably curious and do you lean into uncertainty, take risks, and learn quickly from your mistakes? If so, we are looking for you! The Microsoft Security organization’s mission of making the world a safer place has never been more important. As threats become more frequent and sophisticated, we must work to keep our customers safe through our Security Solutions. The Solution Specialist Unit team within the Microsoft Security organization is at the forefront of this effort, engaging directly with customers to contribute to their success. With thousands of global security experts worldwide, $4 billion+ invested annually in security research and development, and the cutting-edge AI- based Security innovations, Microsoft is ideally placed to think outside of the box and protecting customers, and partners around the world. Responsibilities We are looking for a passionate, experienced, technical specialist with a drive to help solve complex security challenges for our customers, enabling them to help modernize their security architecture and posture. Join our team and discover unique opportunities to grow, develop and learn. As a Security Technical Specialist, you will be a senior technical sales leader and trusted customer advisor, working with cutting-edge security concepts as CNAPP, CSPM, CWPP, ITDR and technologies as XDR - Microsoft M365 Defender, Defender for Cloud and SIEM - Sentinel. You will lead a team of other internal, partner and consulting resources to help map Microsoft solutions to customer security challenges and priorities, demonstrate and prove our solutions, and win the technical decision enabling the team to achieve/exceed quarterly and annual revenue targets. You will spend time planning and orchestration, preparation, meetings (technical presentations, demos, Proof of Concepts, compete positioning, workshops, etc.), staying sharp on technical, industry and compete expertise. This role is flexible in that you can work up to 75% from home. Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. As employees we come together with a growth mindset, innovate to empower others, and collaborate to realize our shared goals. Each day we build on our values of respect, integrity, and accountability to create a culture of inclusion where everyone can thrive at work and beyond. Primary technical point of contact for potential customers during the sales process, owing and driving technical win for security opportunities Deep technical understanding of cloud security architectures, solutions/technologies including Microsoft M365 Defender, Defender for cloud and Sentinel and expertise in extended detection and response (XDR), zero trust and cloud security solutions and architectures Remediate blockers; leads and ensures technical wins for Microsoft Security and adjacent technologies. Engages with and reaches out to customers proactively and independently; builds credibility with customers as a trusted advisor for Microsoft Security; and searches for and uses Microsoft Security customer references; and facilitates handoff to customer success for post sales deployment. Develop strategies and recommendations to improve the client's security posture, shapes technical win plan and tailors Microsoft messaging to audience for security opportunities. Enhances team capabilities for extended detection and response (XDR), zero trust and cloud security and develops differentiated compete strategies for Microsoft Security for assigned customers. Lead technical presentations, demonstrations, workshops, architecture design sessions, explain, demonstrate, and architect the solution to help solve customer security challenges and priorities. Drives cross-workload support for Microsoft solutions for security. Leverages insights and coaches' teams to align new or changing technology to customer security needs. Responsible for engaging with other teams within and outside the organization throughout the sales cycle. Engaging partners in sell-with scenarios and supporting their technical capabilities is key to scaling solution delivery. Evangelize and influence the market. Be a speaker and represent Microsoft Security at internal and external events, contribute to social cyber networks thru articles, LinkedIn pulses, Webinars and Podcasts, cowrite white papers on Microsoft cybersecurity portfolio. Qualifications Required/Minimum Qualifications Master's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field AND years of technical pre-sales or technical consulting experience Fluent in French (A) and Business and Technical English (B1+) Additional Or Preferred Qualifications Technical pre-sales, technical consulting, or related experience Certification in Microsoft 365 Security Administration or Azure Security One or more of Industry certifications such as CISSP, CCSP, IAAP, etc. Is preferred Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems; Next Gen Web Application Firewalls and Secure Web Gateways; Threat detection technologies; Log analysis and Incident Response; Cloud security technologies, architectures and concepts such as Zero Trust, cloud security posture management, cloud workload protection, Cloud code security and Cloud infrastructure entitlement management. Cloud Computing: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Services (PaaS), and Software as a service and understanding of one or more cloud security standards and frameworks such as CIS, NIST, CSA, etc., Experience and passion for learning (technical and professional skills); implementing practices from others; trying, failing, and learning from both successes and failures; sharing practices and knowledge for others’ benefit. Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer. Consistent with applicable law, all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, citizenship, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, protected veteran or military status, race, ethnicity, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable local laws, regulations and ordinances. If you need assistance and/or a reasonable accommodation due to a disability during the application process, read more about requesting accommodations.
Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France
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Job Title
Security Architect
Job Description
Job Description Security Architect Rakuten Group Rakuten, founded in 1997, is a Global Innovation Company based in Japan. With over 70 diverse businesses spanning e-commerce, digital content, fintech, and communications, and 32,000 employees, we serve 1.6 billion members worldwide. Our mission is to empower people and society through innovation and entrepreneurship. Rakuten Tech in Europe Rakuten Tech in Europe, a part of the Rakuten Group's Global Innovation Hub, serves as the regional hub for the European-based members of the Technology Division. We provide and optimize global platforms to support businesses within the Rakuten Ecosystem, tailoring them to specific use cases in Europe and beyond. With over 130 members across 7 countries and 12 offices, our presence spans France (Paris), Spain (Barcelona), UK (Belfast and London), Estonia (Tallinn), and Germany (Berlin). Our diverse team is formed of more than 20 nationalities and collaborates with all members of the Technology Divisions on a regular basis. Rakuten's European Tech Division (EUTD) is looking for a talented and dynamic IT Support Engineer to join our Corporate IT Department in Barcelona. Here is your chance to work in a multicultural and experienced team, with high visibility and significant customer impact. Description In Rakuten, security and safety of the Internet services of our group are guaranteed by the Cyber Security Defense Department (CSDD). CSDD covers all aspects of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and operation security for all the services developed inside Rakuten Group. Why we hire Team expansion due to the increased demand of the work and the scope expansion. Position details We are looking for a Security Architect with a true security mindset and technical depth that will serve as a key member of our security team. As a Security Architect, you will be expected to be an experienced professional in information security and IT risk assessment, with a strong understanding and hands-on experiences of security protocols, authentication, and security best practices in the development lifecycle. You will also be expected to possess strong interpersonal and communication skills, and be able to work with a diverse group of people. Additionally, you will handle consulting engagements, providing expert advice and solutions to internal customers based on their cybersecurity needs and challenges. Responsibilities Perform system requirements and design review on systems inside the Rakuten ecosystem. Collaborate with developers, system/network administrators, and other stakeholders to ensure secure design, development, and implementation of applications and networks. Create and/or update security-related guidelines, technical security standards, security policies, and regulations for Rakuten group. Take part in the security training and awareness activities by cultivating a sense of security awareness, and arranging for continuous education. Inspire innovation and deliver quality at speed across the platform and execute these to success through diligent planning, attention to detail, effective delegation, efficient decision making, and individual/team accountability. Communicate with potential (internal) customers to understand their cybersecurity needs and challenges. Scope and assess customer requirements to provide tailored security solutions. Develop and present proposals based on the customer's needs and cybersecurity challenges. Handle consulting engagements, providing expert advice and solutions to internal customers. Mandatory Qualifications 5+ years of professional experience in the information security field. Understanding of the core concepts of network, web/mobile application, network/web application protocols, and related security issues. Basic understanding of security architecture frameworks, threat modeling, security patterns, and security best practices in SDLC. Excellent consultation, problem-solving, communication, and interpersonal skills to help build trust and consensus. Strong teamwork capability in a diverse team environment. Desired Qualifications Past work as a consultant at a highly technical information security consultancy is a plus. Advanced IT security certifications (with good standing) e.g., CISA, CISSP may be advantageous. Experience overseeing remediation of vulnerabilities, defining security requirements, and a proven track record of working with infrastructure and development teams to build secure solutions. Experience in Web/Mobile application development and major web frameworks. Experience in Web/Mobile Penetration Testing and/or Vulnerability Assessment. Experience with major commercial cloud environments and/or working with container technologies. Experience in working with SIEM and/or participated in Incident Response projects. Incident response experience, including handling and managing security incidents. Languages English - fluent Benefits Annual bonus Stock-option Flexible working hours Hybrid mode of work Lunch vouchers Coupons for Rakuten Platform (20 euros per month) Access to learning and career development resources Access to certifications and tech conferences Being part of multicultural teams with more than 20 nationalities Extra time off during your Birthday and Company anniversary Possibility to organize your time to have your Fridays afternoons off More than 35 days' holiday a year (25 days' paid holiday Office in Sentier neighbourhood As an employer, Rakuten Tech in Europe is committed to developing an inclusive working environment. Access to employment is open to all, regardless of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or social status. Find us on… LinkedIn Welcome  to the Jungle This is Rakuten tech Languages English (Overall - 4 - Fluent)
Rue, France
Full Time