National Enabling Programmes (a programme of the Police Digital Service)
About the Company
The National Enabling Programmes (NEP) closed on the 31st March 2022 after successfully delivering the programme objectives of helping police forces across England and Wales to transform the way they work and collaborate. The NEP achieved this by introducing a secure, trusted, cloud-based digital platform along with the tools, applications and services that help forces work better.
By delivering these enabling programmes on a national basis, the NEP provided greater economies of scale, common standards and consistency in the way that police forces use technology to support the rapid realisation of both operational and financial benefits through better ways of working.
All of this helps police forces serve their communities in better ways, and will ultimately help protect the public.
We welcome constructive and civil engagement on our posts. Comments, replies and links posted by others are not endorsed by the NEP.
Please be professional - Spamming or self promotion of services on threads from the NEP are not acceptable. In line with the User Agreement on LinkedIn we may report or block those not using real names or not using the services in a professional manner.
We will no longer be proactively posting on this channel - Please follow the Police Digital Service for continued updates on the delivery of the National Police Digital Strategy.