Generation Success
About the Company
We are Generation Success - and that includes you.
Our mission is to move toward equality by offering professional resources to youth as you transition from your education to employment.
Stagnant social mobility is set to cost the UK economy up to £140 Billion each year by 2050. This is an issue that reaches beyond equality.
We want to connect you to the world's leading corporations and professionals through employability events and webinars, career fairs, employment opportunities, graduate programmes, internships, mentoring opportunities, and more. We work hand in hand with some of the most highly respected companies in the world on our #MoveToEquality, such as:
TD Securities
PA Consulting
Paul Hastings
Accolite Digital
And many others.
Together with our partners, we make projects that ensure you get the support you need from your first steps to the finish line, and beyond. Impactful social mobility doesn't end with getting the job, rather with continual support to make sure you climb the corporate ladder sustainably.
Reach out to us and find out how you can join the #MoveToEquality.