Tayto Group Limited
About the Company
As the largest British-owned snack manufacturer, we’re big in crisps - producing over 5 million packs a day across our five UK sites.
Founded in 1956 by Thomas Hutchinson, Tayto remains the king of crisps in Northern Ireland and our HQ continues to be Tayto Castle in the rolling hills of Co. Armagh.
Over the years we’ve grown our portfolio of famous brands to include Golden Wonder (with its rich history of over 75 years making great-tasting snacks) and REAL Hand Cooked Crisps as well as becoming the market leaders in pork snacks through Mr Porky, Midland Snacks and Real Pork Co.
As well as our much loved brands, we also manufacture a huge range of snacks for virtually all of the UK’s supermarkets - so it’s almost certain that you’ve enjoyed one of our snacks recently.
The company is proud to remain family-owned and our passion for making the best-tasting snacks in the country drives everything we do!