Roly Recruitment
About the Company
Recruiting Internal Audit, Risk Management, Compliance, Ethics and Cybersecurity professionals in France. Our firm have offices in Paris (75008) and Tours, Loire Valley (37000).
In addition to recruitment sourcing, talent mapping and consultancy services, we are able to provide insights on French employee benefits, French labour law and French industry trends. Roly Recruitment works closely with the Human Resources, Talent Management and HR technology communities throughout France. We believe that we can offer unique perspectives to support you with your hiring campaigns. Our consultants are bi-lingual French and English.
#compliancerecruitment #riskrecruitment #internalauditrecruitment #cybersecurityrecruitment
Simon Bradbury - simon.bradbury@rolyrecruitment.com
Roly Recruitment est un cabinet de recrutement, SAS (Société par actions simplifiée). RCS Paris 390 144 475 – SIREN 884 345 976 – TVA FR58 884345976