Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
About the Company
Our vision is better health and care for all. We are proud pioneers in integrating health and social care nationally.
We passionately believe that the best way to care for people is by focusing on what matters to them, putting them at the centre of everything we do and integrating services around them. We believe that care as close to home as possible benefits everyone.
Never has our vision been more important. The impact of COVID-19 has not only increased the pressure across all aspects of health and social care, but those who live in our most deprived coastal communities have seen an increasing gap in health inequalities.
We provide health and social care services to our people in their own homes or in their local community. We also run Torbay Hospital (providing acute hospital services) as well as five community hospitals, stretching from Dawlish to Brixham.
We support around 500,000 face-to-face contacts with patients in their homes and communities each year and see over 78,000 people in our A&E department annually. We serve a resident population of approximately 286,000 people, plus about 100,000 visitors at any one time during the summer holiday season.
We are passionate about creating a fairer and more inclusive NHS for everyone.
We employ over 6,500 staff, including doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, consultants, and physiotherapists, as well as highly skilled managers, administrators and technical experts. Our people work in a wide range of settings and locations across our communities, depending on their individual role or circumstances.
We also have over 800 volunteers who make a difference every day to the people we care for and the services we provide.
We were proud to be the first NHS Trust in England to integrate hospital and community care with social care. We know first-hand the positive impact that working together in partnership with others has on our local population – giving everyone a brighter future.