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AlmavivA S.p.A.

AlmavivA S.p.A.

1 Job

14,258 Employees

About the Company

Almaviva is synonymous with digital innovation. Proven experience, unique skills, ongoing research and in-depth knowledge of a range of public and private market sectors are what make it the leading Italian Group in Information & Communications Technology.

Almaviva leads the Country growth and takes up the challenge that companies must face to remain competitive in the Absolute Digital Age, by innovating their business model, organization, enterprise culture and ICT.

With 45,000 people - 6,000 in Italy and 39,000 overseas - Almaviva is the 3rd private Italian Group in terms of people worldwide, with a turnover of € 1.185 million in 2023.

Almaviva Group operates globally, with 44 offices in Italy and 35 abroad. It has a significant presence in Brazil, and is also operational in the United States, Colombia, Egypt, Finland, the Dominican Republic, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Tunisia, and Brussels, the nerve center of the EU.

Since 2015 Almaviva is a partner of the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, UN Global Compact.

Listed Jobs

Company background Company brand
Company Name
AlmavivA S.p.A.
Job Title
Security Architect
Job Description
Please carefully read the job description before applying. Only shortlisted candidates who meet the requirements will be contacted.

Architecture, design and implementation of the integration layer between backend systems and secure messaging software
Provide expert advice on confidentiality, integrity, authorisation, authentication, non-repudiation, availability
Assist the team to test and conduct periodic vulnerability and security risk assessments of the messaging and data transfer system
Provide comprehensive guidance and consulting for the optimisation of the integration layer
Participate to the maintenance of technical specifications related to transport and messaging protocols and their implementation in software

Bachelor or Master Degree

At least 7 years of specific expertise in Document Protection:
Good knowledge of digital signature and encryption with X509 certificates, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Good knowledge of data containers: Associated Signature Containers (ASiC), gzip
Good knowledge of the legal framework for the use of trust services:
the Electronic Identification and Trust Services Regulation (eIDAS Regulation 910/2014/EC)

At least 7 years of specific expertise in Messaging:
Good knowledge of open standards for data and document exchange: ebMS3, AS4, SBDH, XHE
Good knowledge of open standards for service discovery: Business Document Metadata Service Location (BDXL), Service Metadata Publishing (SMP)
Good knowledge of message format standards: XML (min 7 years) XSD, XPATH, WSDL, JSON, JSON schema
Good knowledge of Business-to-Business (B2B) and Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI) and common data and document exchange patterns

At least 5 years of Specific Expertise in Web Security:
Good knowledge of techniques used to secure Web applications: HTTP, TLS, WS-Security, Content Security Policy, Web Services (SOAP and REST) min 7 years, OAuth2, OpenID, OWASP

Excellent knowledge of backend development techniques: inheritance, polymorphism, SOLID principles, data types, concurrency, design patterns, unit testing
Excellent knowledge of the Java platform: garbage collection strategies, memory spaces, class loaders, serialization, multi-threading, syntax and semantics of the Java language, APIs of the Java Development Kit
Good knowledge of databases, directories and transactions: SQL, LDAP, ACID, XA
Enterprise java con JPA, JTA
Multitrading programming
Experience with Digital Signature: Eidas, Xades, Padex,

Min 5 years of experience in the use of Atlassian collaborative tools (like Confluence and Jira) is required.

Experience with Agile development methodologies is a plus
Experience in working with the EU institutions is a plus

Delivery mode: Near Site (Brussels)
Deadline: 05/03/2024 at 11:30 AM (CET)
Brussels Region, Belgium
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