About the Company
Altaïde (Paris, San Francisco): Lead French / US companies to success !
Altaïde is a company passionate about new and high technologies, surveying last market trends and sharing this passion with its customers and candidates. Strongly involved in Startup’s Ecosystem, we bring unique competence gained from experiments and skills to our partners (Software editors, Web companies, eCommerce...).
Recruitment and HR Consulting.
• Executive Search: CEO, CTO, CFO, VP Sales, VP Marketing,..
• Recruitment 2.0 : Sales, Marketing, Development, R&D, Consulting,…
• HR Consulting : HR Outsourcing, Team Building, Social Recruitment Training, Linkedin's training
Bridging France and Silicon Valley :
• Geektrip: Discover the Valley and meet Key Figures of entrepreneurship
• Business Development for French/US companies
Altaïde (Paris, San Francisco): Conduire les sociétés françaises et américaines au succès !
Conseil des sociétés en forte croissance, nous apportons notre aide (Chasse de tête, Recrutement, Gestion des RH) aux sociétés high-tech européennes et US (start-up et sociétés plus avancées) des métiers de l'Edition Logiciel, E-commerce, Internet, Mobile, Web 2.0.
Recrutement et Conseil RH :
• Executive Search: CEO, CTO, CFO, VP Sales, VP Marketing,..
• Recrutement 2.0 : Ventes, Marketing, Developpement, R&D,…
• Conseil RH : Externalisation / Outsourcing RH, Team Building, Formation au Recrutement 2.0
• Formation : Recrutement 2.0, Linkedin, Viadeo, Stratégie Marketing Employeur